Slide Away: How to Expertly Install a Pocket Door

Slide Away: How to Expertly Install a Pocket Door is a comprehensive guide to installing a pocket door in your home. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to properly install a pocket door, from measuring and cutting the door frame to attaching the door to the wall. It will also provide helpful tips and tricks to ensure that your pocket door is installed correctly and securely. With this guide, you can be sure that your pocket door will be installed with ease and precision.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Pocket Door with Slide Away

Installing a pocket door with Slide Away is a great way to add extra space to any room. This guide will walk you through the steps of installing a pocket door with Slide Away.

1. Begin by measuring the opening for the pocket door. Measure the width and height of the opening and make sure to account for any trim or molding that may be present.

2. Purchase the necessary materials for the installation. You will need a pocket door frame, a pocket door jamb, a pocket door track, and the Slide Away hardware.

3. Install the pocket door frame into the opening. Make sure to use shims to level the frame and secure it with screws.

4. Install the pocket door jamb. This should be flush with the wall and secured with screws.

5. Install the pocket door track. This should be level and secured with screws.

6. Install the Slide Away hardware. This includes the track, the roller, and the guide. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.

7. Hang the pocket door on the track. Make sure to use the appropriate hardware and secure it with screws.

8. Test the pocket door to make sure it slides smoothly. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the door slides properly.

9. Finish the installation by adding trim or molding to the pocket door frame.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed a pocket door with Slide Away. Enjoy the extra space and convenience that this installation provides.

Tips and Tricks for Installing a Pocket Door with Slide Away for a Professional Finish

Installing a pocket door with Slide Away is a great way to add a professional finish to any room. However, it can be a tricky process, so here are some tips and tricks to help you get the job done right.

1. Measure Twice, Cut Once: Before you begin, make sure you have the correct measurements for the door frame and the pocket door. Measure twice to ensure accuracy and avoid costly mistakes.

2. Use a Level: When installing the door frame, use a level to make sure it is perfectly straight. This will ensure that the door slides smoothly and evenly.

3. Use a Jig: A jig is a tool that helps you make precise cuts in the door frame. This will help you get a professional finish and make sure the door fits perfectly.

4. Use a Router: A router is a tool that helps you create a pocket in the wall for the door to slide into. This will help you get a clean, professional look.

5. Use a Hammer and Nails: When installing the door frame, use a hammer and nails to secure it in place. This will ensure that the frame is secure and won’t move when the door is opened and closed.

6. Use a Drill: When installing the door handle, use a drill to make sure the screws are secure. This will help you get a professional finish and make sure the handle is secure.

Following these tips and tricks will help you get a professional finish when installing a pocket door with Slide Away. With a little patience and attention to detail, you can have a beautiful, functional door in no time.


Slide Away: How to Expertly Install a Pocket Door is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to install a pocket door in their home. With clear instructions and helpful tips, this guide provides all the information needed to successfully install a pocket door. With the right tools and a bit of patience, anyone can install a pocket door with confidence.