Things That You Should Do Religiously to Keep Your Bedroom Clean and Organized

Having your own bedroom means that you can enjoy some privacy, sleep well and relax after working long hours. But it also means that you have an added responsibility in your life—cleaning your bedroom space as often as possible.

Cleaning can be quite challenging especially if it is not your cup of tea. Part of growing up means that you should step up and be responsible for doing simple chores. Here are some essential tips on how to keep your room clean and organized.

Motivate yourself to start cleaning

Let us face the reality that cleaning is not fun, especially if your room is full of mess. For you to accomplish something, you should find ways to motivate yourself to clean your room. Start with playing some of your favourite music in the background. Doing this will keep you moving for the rest of the day. Also, think of rewarding yourself with good food or a relaxing day with your friends after completing the entire task.

Create a checklist

If you do not know where to begin, it is advisable to write a to-do list to keep you focused. For example, you can start with making your bed, throwing out the trash and folding your clothes. Look around your bedroom and assess the things that need to be done as soon as possible. Learning to prioritise your tasks by using a checklist will help you accomplish more chores, rather doing things in no particular order.

Invest in storage spaces

No matter how often you clean your bedroom, your surroundings will always look disorganized, especially if you own lots of things. One of your long term goals should be to invest in bespoke bedroom furniture in every bedroom inside your home. Doing this will save you so much time in organizing your belongings by keeping them in their proper places.

Manage your schedule properly

It is hard to clean your bedroom in just one day, especially if there are a lot of things that you need to do. You can quickly feel overwhelmed and tired and will end up not accomplishing anything else. It would be best to break down your tasks so it’s easier for you to finish them. Assign yourself three tasks each day and allow at least thirty minutes to do everything. Doing this will lessen your worries about being stuck all day in the house during weekends to clean your messy bedroom.

Make it a habit to return things to where they belong

Do not just walk into your room and throw your belongings on the floor. If you are about to use one of your items, make sure to return it to its proper place. Doing this will help you avoid misplacing things at it will also save you a lot of time every day.

Lastly, make sure that you clean your floors by vacuuming at least twice a week. Also, wipe every surface thoroughly to eliminate dust build-up.

